Rampart Village

Community Emergency Plan
(Printable Version)   (Español)

When disaster occurs, all that you can depend upon is what you know and what you have at your disposal. The time to prepare is BEFORE a disaster happens.

Table of Contents



Emergency preparedness is EVERYONE'S job.


The Rampart Village Community cannot be prepared without prepared residents.  Every household should be encouraged to get prepared by making a Family Emergency Plan with an out-of-state contact, storing food, water and emergency supplies and having knowledge, skills and resources to handle the emergency situation. Each person should have a Grab & Go Bag for quick evacuation when needed. Keep a kit in your car and at work as well.

Please print out and complete the Needs, Skills & Equipment Survey (Espaňol) and return it to your Neighborhood Council Rep.



  • Ready LA  important facts, valuable tips and critical reminders for developing emergency preparedness plans to help you, your family and pets survive every type of conceivable disaster.

  • Ready Kids!

Every Family should have at least one person trained and certified to provide First Aid and CPR. First Aid and CPR training is offered by the American Red Cross.


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All schools are required to have a School Safety Plan in place to provide for the safety of their students, faculty and other employees. Start a TEEN CERT program at your school.


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Every Business should have an Business Emergency Plan that provides for the safety of their employees and enables the business to continue its operations. Take the Ready Rating to see how prepared you are.


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Every house of worship should have an emergency plan that provides for the safety of the congregation and aids to the community.


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Every community should have a Community Emergency Plan and a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT). This consists of residents and other stakeholders who are trained and ready to respond immediately and safely to emergencies until professional disaster responders arrive. CERT training is offered by the Los Angeles Fire Dept., Citizens are trained by professional fire fighters and paramedics. www.cert-la.com

We encourage you to get together with your neighbors and build your own 5 Step Neighborhood Disaster Plan. Be sure to send email a copy to us to be included in the overall plan. Then the entire Rampart Village Community will be ready and safe!

Los Angeles is prone to 13 possible federally identified natural and man-made threats. Los Angeles is particularly vulnerable to the destructive affects wildfires, flooding, mudslides and earthquakes. Because of the many threats that Los Angeles faces, the importance of readiness as a city and for residents cannot be overstated. Part of disaster preparedness is being aware what kinds of hazards and disasters you might be subject to living in Los Angeles.

Rampart Village has a population of 25,145 including  9,456 Households
Males: 50%; Females: 50% 
Renter-Occupied: 88%
Under 15 years: 21%
15 to 17 years: 3%
18 to 29 years: 23%
30 to 49 years: 35%
50 to 64 years: 11%
65 years and over: 7%


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  Hazard Analysis

Let’s take a look at the RAMPART VILLAGE Hazard Analysis to see how we fit into this picture.


Rampart Village is IN or NEAR the following:

HIGH Ground Shaking
This map shows the potential level of ground shaking hazard from earthquakes that geologists and seismologists agree could occur in California. It takes into consideration the uncertainties in the size and location of earthquakes and the resulting ground motions that can affect a particular location.

(more information)

Rampart village IS OUTSIDE the following:

Earthquake-Induced Landslide Hazard zone*
Earthquakes can trigger landslides that may cause injuries and damage to many types of structures.

Liquefaction Seismic Hazard zone*
Earthquakes can cause certain types of soils to lose strength and behave like liquid. This can severely damage buildings and other structures.

Earthquake Fault zone*
Active earthquake faults may pose a risk of surface fault rupture hazard. Surface rupture can damage buildings.
(more information at http://www.conservation.ca.gov/cgs/geologic_hazards/regulatory_hazard_zones  )

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Earthquake Mitigation Checklist

What Should I do?

Based on the above results, use the following mitigation checklist and information to reduce injuries, protect your life and those of others, and reduce damage to your home and property.

Recommended Actions for your Ground Shaking Intensity:




Secure your water heater


Secure your tall furniture and bookcases


Secure your TVs, computers, and electronics


Secure your kitchen cabinets


Secure wall-mounted objects


Secure objects on opens shelves or table tops


Secure natural gas appliances


Secure garage items and hazardous chemicals


Secure your unreinforced masonry chimney


Reinforce your home


Secure propane tanks


Secure your kitchen appliances


Secure your shop or gym equipment


Earthquake Preparedness

More information and ideas on how to secure the contents of your home can be found at: http://www.earthquakecountry.info/daretoprepare/.

Recommended actions for Earthquake Fault zones

If the property is not developed, a fault study may be required before the parcel can be subdivided or structures permitted. If a property is developed, you will not need a geologic study unless you plan to extensively add onto or remodel an existing structure.

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Disaster Preparation & Training

Key elements of the RVNC Emergency Response Plan include:



  • Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program.
    All residents 18+ years should take this important free training program. http://www.cert-la.com

  • There is also a TEEN CERT program which is generally sponsored through schools.

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What to do BEFORE an Earthquake / Disaster


Hold a Family Meeting

The purpose of a family meeting is to inform and educate family members, including children, seniors and family members with disabilities. Having a plan is one of the most important steps you can take in disaster preparedness. Knowing what to do and how to do it can help you and your family manage disasters with less worry, fear, and uncertainty.

All Family Members need to know the following:

  • The location of your Survival Supplies

  • The location of the “GO BAGS”

  • Create emergency cards for each of your family members

  • Draw a map of the house. Locate doors and windows that can be used as evacuation routes.

  • Identify two evacuation routes from each room. Practice your evacuation routes.

  • Determine a meeting place outside of your residence, in case it is unsafe to remain indoors. Do not meet on the roof.

  • Determine one location outside neighborhood in case of evacuation.

  • Keep gas tank half full at all times. Gas might not be available after a disaster.

  • Determine out of state contacts. Family members should be instructed to call them in event of emergency. Local calls may be difficult to place.

  • Practice your Drop, Cover & Hold-On (Earthquake) and Stop, Drop & Roll (Fire Drills)

  • Install smoke alarms and carbon monoxide CO detectors

  • Teach each member of your family how to use a fire extinguisher.

  • Locate utilities, and determine how to turn them off and with what tools?  DO NOT turn the gas back on by yourself.

Gas Meter

Gas On-Off Valve

Electrical Meter

Water Shut-Off


Secure your space!
Look up - Look around - Look down

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 Emergency Supplies Kit Checklist 

  • Water - 1 gallon/person/day for 7-14 days. People can become dehydrated quickly, even in cold weather.

  • Food - 7-14 day supply of non-perishables: canned meat, fruits and vegetables; cereal, peanut butter

  • Utensils - manual can opener, sharp knife utensils, plates, cups, plastic forks & spoons, paper towels.

  • Battery operated or Hand-Crank Radio Use AM Radio. Listen to KNX 1070 AM, KFWB 980 AM, and KFI 640 AM radio stations for regional emergency alert information for the Los Angeles County area.  Two-way Radio is a big plus!

  • Flashlights (in kit -Batteries should be inserted at time of emergency.) Flashlight in rooms should have batteries already inserted.

  • First Aid Kit - can be purchased at a local pharmacy. You can attend to the immediate first aid needs of your family, including bleeding and burn relief. Look for instructions inside the First Aid Kit.

  • Whistle - to signal for help.

  • Duct-Tape; Plastic Sheeting; Dust Mask - Duct tape is versatile. Plastic sheeting and duct tape can be used as a shelter-in-place barrier. Mask is for blocking contaminants.

  • Sanitation - soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, toilet paper, moist wipes, large garbage bags and shovel for waste disposal

  • Tools - shut-off wrench, shovel, axe, hammer, pliers - Know where the gas shut-off is located. Turn off only in an emergency.

  • Local Maps - You should be familiar with evacuation routes.

  • Clothes - two sets of clothes, undergarments, socks, comfortable sturdy shoes. Babies may need more.

  • Blankets/ Sleeping Bags - enough to cover family members for warmth and comfort.

  • Medication - at least one week supply. Instant cold packs for refrigerated medications since you may not have access to refrigeration.

  • Matches - stored in a water-proof container. Water-proof matches can be purchased at camping supply stores.

  • Documents – Copies of birth/death/marriage certificates; insurance and medical records, deeds, bank statements, credit cards, drivers license, passport, credentials, etc.

  • Household Inventory (including pictures for insurance)

  • Family photos for identification

Be Informed:


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What to do DURING an Earthquake

Stay as safe as possible during an earthquake. Be aware that some earthquakes are actually foreshocks and a larger earthquake might occur. Minimize your movements to a few steps to a nearby safe place and if you are indoors, stay there until the shaking has stopped and you are sure exiting is safe.

If indoors...

  • DROP to the ground; take COVER by getting under a sturdy table or other piece of furniture; and HOLD ON until the shaking stops. If there isn’t a table or desk near you, cover your face and head with your arms and crouch in an inside corner of the building.

  • Stay away from glass, windows, outside doors and walls, and anything that could fall, such as lighting fixtures or furniture

  • Stay in bed if you are there when the earthquake strikes. Hold on and protect your head with a pillow, unless you are under a heavy light fixture that could fall. In that case, move to the nearest safe place.

  • Use a doorway for shelter only if it is in close proximity to you and if you know it is a strongly supported, load-bearing doorway.

  • Stay inside until the shaking stops and it is safe to go outside. Research has shown that most injuries occur when people inside buildings attempt to move to a different location inside the building or try to leave.

  • Be aware that the electricity may go out or the sprinkler systems or fire alarms may turn on.

  • DO NOT use the elevators.

If outdoors...

  • Stay there.

  • Move away from buildings, streetlights, and utility wires.

  • Once in the open, stay there until the shaking stops. The greatest danger exists directly outside buildings, at exits and alongside exterior walls. Many of the 120 fatalities from the 1933 Long Beach earthquake occurred when people ran outside of buildings only to be killed by falling debris from collapsing walls. Ground movement during an earthquake is seldom the direct cause of death or injury. Most earthquake-related casualties result from collapsing walls, flying glass, and falling objects.

If in a moving vehicle...

  • Stop as quickly as safety permits and stay in the vehicle. Avoid stopping near or under buildings, trees, overpasses, and utility wires.

  • Proceed cautiously once the earthquake has stopped. Avoid roads, bridges, or ramps that might have been damaged by the earthquake.

If trapped under debris...

  • Do not light a match.

  • Do not move about or kick up dust.

  • Cover your mouth with a handkerchief or clothing.

  • Tap on a pipe or wall so rescuers can locate you. Use a whistle if one is available. Shout only as a last resort. Shouting can cause you to inhale dangerous amounts of dust.

For more information see: http://earthquakecountry.info/dropcoverholdon

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What to do AFTER an Earthquake / Disaster

  • Earthquakes: Earthquakes damage can extend for miles from the epicenter. Damages can include collapsed building, bridges, and overpasses; cracked roadways; downed power lines; broken gas lines; fires; explosions; and landslides.

  • Earthquake responses:  Drop, Cover, and Hold On. Evaluate damages to structure and humans. Evacuate structure if necessary. Take your GO BAG.

  • Fires: Fires can spread quickly. In five minutes an entire house can be engulfed in flames. Often, the heat and smoke can be even more dangerous than the flames.

  • Fire Response: If you are on fire: STOP, DROP, and ROLL.Evacuate immediately when you see, hear, feel,  smell smoke and/ or fire. Take your GO BAG

  • Chemical or Biological Release: A chemical emergency can occur as an accident or maliciously resulting with a release of chemical agents. A biological emergency can be a natural outbreak of disease or a deliberate release of germs or other biological substances.

  • Chemical or Biological Release Response: Get to a safe area by evacuating or shelter-in-place (use duct tape and plastic sheeting to create barrier).

In case of a disaster, ALL RESIDENTS should:

  1. Check in with your out-of-state contact and register yourself at  SAFE and WELL to let your family know that you are OK.
  2. Take care of yourself, your family, home, and neighbors.
  • Assess your situation.

  • Check yourself for injuries. Often people tend to others without checking their own injuries. You will be better able to care for others if you are not injured or if you have received first aid for your injuries

  • Place a HELP or OK sign on your front door or window.

  • Protect yourself from further danger by putting on long pants, a long-sleeved shirt, sturdy shoes, hard hat, goggles, and work gloves. This will protect you from further injury by broken objects.

  • After you have taken care of yourself, help injured or trapped persons. If you have it in your area, call 9-1-1, then give first aid when appropriate and AS YOU ARE TRAINED. Don't try to move seriously injured people unless they are in immediate danger of further injury.

  • Use the telephone only to report life-threatening emergencies. Telephone lines are frequently overwhelmed in disaster situations. They need to be clear for emergency calls to get through.

  • Use battery-powered lanterns or flashlights to inspect your home. Kerosene lanterns, torches, candles, and matches may tip over or ignite flammables inside.

  • Get everyone out if your home is unsafe.  Be sure to take your Grab ‘n Go bags with you.  Aftershocks following earthquakes can cause further damage to unstable buildings. If your home has experienced damage, get out before aftershocks happen.

  • Look for and extinguish small fires. Eliminate fire hazards. Putting out small fires quickly, using available resources, will prevent them from spreading. Fire is the most common hazard following earthquakes.

  • If you don’t need to extinguish a fire, place your fire extinguisher out front on the sidewalk. (This allows for several resources in case a neighbor’s house catches fire to keep it from spreading.)

  • Turn off gas at the main valve if you smell gas, hear it hissing or see wavy lines in the air around it or think it's leaking. DO NOT attempt to restore the gas yourself. This requires a professional who knows what to check before turning the gas back on.  Explosions have caused injury and death when homeowners have improperly turned their gas back on by themselves.

  • Clean up spilled medicines, bleaches, gasoline, or other flammable liquids immediately. Avoid the hazard of a chemical emergency.

  • Open closet and cabinet doors cautiously. Contents may have shifted during the shaking of an earthquake and could fall, creating further damage or injury.

  • Help neighbors who may require special assistance. Elderly people and people with disabilities may require additional assistance. People who care for them or who have large families may need additional assistance in emergency situations.

  • Listen to a portable, battery-operated radio (or television) for updated emergency information and instructions. If the electricity is out, this may be your main source of information. Local radio and local officials provide the most  appropriate advice for your particular situation.

  • Expect aftershocks. Each time you feel one, drop, cover, and hold on! Aftershocks frequently occur minutes, days,  weeks, and even months following an earthquake.

  • Watch out for fallen power lines or broken gas lines, and stay out of damaged areas. Hazards caused by earthquakes are often difficult to see, and you could be easily injured.

  • Stay out of damaged buildings. If you are away from home, return only when authorities say it is safe. Damaged buildings may be destroyed by aftershocks following the main quake.

  • Watch animals closely. Leash dogs and place them in a fenced yard. The behavior of pets may change dramatically after an earthquake. Normally quiet and friendly cats and dogs may become aggressive or defensive

All CERT trained  should follow the LAFD CERT Battalion 11 Action Plan.
(Contact the Battalion 11 Coordinator if you need a copy.)  


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Community Meeting Areas 


  • Area 1 - St. Anne's

  • Area 2 - Lafayette Park

  • Area 3 - Shatto Recreation Center

  • Area 4 - PATH

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Emergency Information Sources:



Get Involved!








































































































































































































































































































































































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Last updated: 05/11/2017